The RollNRack Power Roller is an easy to use, portable fire hose
retrieval system that self-propels around curves and down the length of
the hose. This all-in-one tool makes for effortless fire hose draining
and rolling while using the correct body mechanics and never lifting
hose rolls. With the Power Roller you can load hose sizes from 1.5" to
5", by swapping out the coupling jaw set. Ultimate safety is achieved as
the Power Roller complies with the NFPA-1500 standard on occupational
safety and health for loading LDH - protecting firefighters while using
fewer of them for the task.
- Portable-90 lb base (battery pack & drain attachment are removable).
- Drains
& rolls approx. 5,000 feet of of LDH on a full charge (dependent on
weather conditions, terrain, water in the line and battery charge
- 24-volt rechargeable battery pack.
- Kussmaul battery meter.
- Self-propelled, quiet operation.
- Traverses pavement, gravel, dirt, and grass.
- Safely load all hose sizes, 1.5" - 5" (LDH).
- Comes with (1) coupling jaw set (*specify size from options below), (1) battery pack & (1) charger.
- Integrated, removable drain attachment lifts up & out of the way for safe hose roll removal.
- High-torque motor/gearbox is maintenance free.
- Brush whisks gravel & grass off the bottom of the hose.
- 13" rear tires, 10" swivel tire - heavy-duty aluminum with stainless steel hardware.
- Draw 3" & smaller diameter hose to the unit.
*Coupling Jaw Set Options - Choose (1): 5" Storz, 4" Storz, 4" NST, 2.5" - 3" NST, 1.5" - 1.75" NST.
Additional sets are available, but sold separately.